Anupan House Museum: New spectrum of season
Anupan House Museum is an art space founded in 2022 by Artist and Art Therapist, Anupan Pluckpankhajee collaborative with Saratta Space. The space is seasonaly open for visit housing art happening such as exhibition, music and performance. At the beginning, the space functioned as a studio, art therapy school, and his residence. It is then turned into a house museum serves to present the identity, work and perspective of the artist himself. Anupan House Museum welcomes visitors with an atmosphere surrounded by peaceful nature and stunning mountain scenery of Chiang Dao district Chiang Mai Province.
This collaboration between Saratta and Anupan Pluckpankhajee aims to introduce Anupan House Museum as a new art space. Working as the curatorial team, Saratta is responsible for communicating the artist's story through the organization of space and presentation of the artwork.Saratta is a soulful compact art space abundant with seasonal selected original art and limited prints of talented artists. Nested inside Reno Hotel, Kasem San 1 Alley. Founded by Patamon Nisabodee with an experience of ten years as a visual designer. With a role as a curator who conveys feelings as an essence, art curates as a new communication medium.